West Carlston Garden Centre, Campsie Road, Torrance, Glasgow G64 4EZ, Tel: 01360 620248

Are you bothered with Cats?

Pests can ruin all your good work and damage valuable plants.
Greenfly (and other flies) suck the sap and eat the leaves of plants. This damage to the leaves can let in fungal infections that cause even more damage. Plants will rarely die from these attacks in the short term, but they fail to thrive, leading to poor flowers and crops.
Pesticides are best sprayed onto plants. The flies will absorb it through their feet when they land on the leaves or ingest it when they bite the leaves or even inhale it if they are present during spraying.
Bug Clear is a contact pesticide and will only kill flies it comes in contact with, any eggs will be unaffected. These eggs will hatch in 3-4 days and the process will repeat itself. Regular spraying is therefore necessary.
Provado is the only “Systemic” Pesticide left on the market. Systemic means it is absorbed into the system (or sap) of the plant and can remain active there for weeks. This cuts down the amount of spraying needed.
There are old fashioned cures such as planting Marigolds among Roses as Greenfly are supposed not to like Marigolds.
Ladybirds eat Greenfly - Rose Clear 3 kills Greenfly but not Ladybirds.

Slugs are voracious eaters and can strip a plant in no time.
Slug Pellets are very effective - simply sprinkle the Pellets around your plants. The old fashioned method of burying a jar and filling it with beer works well. Slugs are attracted to the beer, fall in and drown. If you don’t want to kill them, try a layer of sharp material such as gravel round your plants to deter them. Not particularly effective.

Cats! If you know of a foolproof deterrent for Cats let me know and we’ll make a fortune.

Article provided by Ron from West Carlston Garden Centre in Torrance.
Ron can be contacted at info@westcarlston.com

This week’s Competition: What is the active ingredient in slug Pellets?
The sender of the first correct e-mail will receive a £10 Gift Voucher.
Copywrite R. McInally

Always read the label. Use Pesticides carefully.
Provado contains Imidacloprid. Bug Clear contains Bifenthrin, Rose Clear 3 contains Bifenthrin & Flutriafol.